Compliance Peace of Mind
Whether you are a large lend­ing insti­tu­tion or a small port­fo­lio lender you will have peace of mind know­ing that your port­fo­lio is being ser­viced while meet­ing all cur­rent com­pli­ance require­ments.  Between our third-party audi­tors and our clients’ audi­tors we are in a con­stant state of audit.  This is a mutual ben­e­fit because it enables both of us to be aware of any new and upcom­ing com­pli­ance require­ments, and also ensures that we are always meet­ing or exceed­ing cur­rent requirements.

Immediate Cash Savings
Sub-servicing allows you to imme­di­ately book and close loans with­out hav­ing to hire and train addi­tional staff, or pur­chase equip­ment or pro­gram software.

Maintain Your Borrowers
We ser­vice your bor­row­ers needs as a direct exten­sion of your business.Type your paragraph here.

We Make Growing Your Portfolio Easier

Standard Servicing

We produce, in accordance with the terms of your contract, reports showing all accounts paid the prior day.  If contracted, each week you will receive a weekly remittance report listing all payments paid to date.  At month end you will receive a report listing the month-to-date payments as well as a report showing all delinquent accounts allowing you to stay well-informed of your accounts’ activities.

Specializing in Various Types of Loans

Accepting Challenges. Creating Opportunities. Delivering Results.

  • Residential Mortgages
  • Commercial Mortgages
  • Participation Loans
  • Construction Loans
  • HELOC Loans
  • Commercial Lines of Credit
  • Boat Loans
New Loan Input
Day-to-Day Servicing
Annual Servicing
Loan Payoff

  • Input loan documentation into our system
  • Conduct initial audit to ensure all proper insurance coverages, contact information, collateral and note structure are error free.
  • Set-up insurance tracking
  • Set-up tax tracking and verify parcel ID
  • Run Initial Escrow Analysis on escrow loans
  • Send out Welcome Letters
  • Send out first Statement or Coupons
  • Process all payments on the day they are received
  • Handle all Customer Service needs via telephone, fax and emails
  • Send out all Late Notices, Insurance Expiration Notices, Demand Notices and Monthly Statements
  • Track and Disburse Escrowed Property Taxes
  • Track and Disburse Escrowed Insurance Renewal Premiums
  • Conduct collection activities on late and delinquent accounts
  • Credit Reporting (conducted once a month)
  • Process and mail Annual Escrow Analysis on all Escrow loans
  • Process and mail 1098 Tax Form for all accounts having made interest payments during the calendar year
  • Federal Loan Reporting
  • Provide all payoff letters to borrowers or authorized agents
  • Post payoffs on the date they were received
  • Issue any overpayment and escrow balance refunds
  • Create and remit Satisfaction of Mortgages to the proper recording authority

From Wel­come Let­ters to Sat­is­fac­tion of Mort­gages, Grove Gate Lender Services han­dles all of the back office ser­vic­ing of your entire port­fo­lio.  Stan­dard Ser­vic­ing includes all mail­ing, pay­ment pro­cess­ing, tax and insur­ance track­ing of escrow and non-escrow loans, credit report­ing, annual report­ing and tax doc­u­ment cre­ation as well as col­lec­tions.  Some of the many competitive advantages of outsourcing your portfolio servicing are:

Stan­dard Ser­vic­ing is the per­fect option for banks and pri­vate lenders who still want total deci­sion making and con­trol over their loans, but do not want to han­dle the day-to-day man­age­ment of the port­fo­lio.  Once you close the loan we handle all the rest.


New Loans Opened Report
Delinquency Report
Paid Off Accounts
Unapplied Balances
Insurance Due/Past Due Listing
Property Taxes Due/Past Due Listing
Non-Accrual Report
Non-Cash Principal Adjustments
Legal Status Listing
Remittance Recap Report
Month-end Remittance Report
Interest Accrual Report
Month-end Trial Balance
FASB Deferred Fees Report
Loans by Property Type
Loan Matured


Delinquency Report
Paid Off Accounts
Unapplied Balances
Insurance Due/Past Due Listing
Property Taxes Due/Past Due Listing
Non-Accrual Report
Non-Cash Principal Adjustments
Legal Status Listing

  • Car Loans
  • Student Loans
  • Consumer Loans
  • Payroll Loans
  • Purchased Mortgage Notes
  • Construction to Perm Loans
  • Commercial Leases

We specifically created a flexible servicing system that allows us to service virtually every type of loan or asset.  Below is just a sample, but not the limit, of the asset types we can service.


Daily Remittance Report
Detailed Trial Balance
New Loans Opened Report
New Loans Audit Listing
Delinquency Report

When it comes to tech­nol­ogy, we believe it is bet­ter to lead the indus­try instead of play­ing catch up.  From Secure Servers, Online Access for both Investors and Home­own­ers, to a Paper­less Envi­ron­ment with Doc­u­ment Imag­ing avail­able to you online any­time and anywhere, our technology pro­vides you with the best of both full data secu­rity and direct live access to your port­fo­lio information.

Access To Advanced Technologies
We are con­stantly invest­ing in new tech­nol­ogy rang­ing from elec­tronic billing to 100% opti­cally scanned loan files avail­able via inter­net access.  As a client you have access to these ser­vices with­out hav­ing to invest in any addi­tional technology.

No Portfolio is Too Small or Too Large
There is no such thing as too small of a port­fo­lio.  Our min­i­mum fee makes our ser­vices a cost sav­ings to you even with as few as five loans.  Our fixed per loan, per month fee allows you to rely on a fixed ser­vic­ing amount even if your port­fo­lio grows to sev­eral thou­sand loans.

Grow as Quickly as You Want
With sub-servicing you will always know exactly what your per loan costs will be.  No mat­ter how fast you grow, your staffing and tech­nol­ogy needs will always be met.

Security That Meets or Exceeds Federal Bank Requirements
We use a mul­ti­ple layer sys­tem access method for our data.  Our web­site servers are located behind an encrypted fire­wall in our main office and our data servers, as well as fully functioning Virtual Terminals, are located behind addi­tional fire­walls in a sep­a­rate off-site secured Cat­e­gory 5 location cre­at­ing an incred­i­bly secure net­work.  Every year our sys­tems undergo intense third-party pen­e­tra­tion tests.  Our pen­e­tra­tion score always meets or exceeds those required by the top finan­cial insti­tu­tions in the world.

100% Optically Scanned Documents
All insur­ance and tax doc­u­ments, legal doc­u­ments, state­ments, notices as well as any mail sent to or received from bor­row­ers are opti­cally scanned into their indi­vid­ual loan file.  You are pro­vided with a secure desk­top view­ing pro­gram that allows you the abil­ity to search, review and print any doc­u­ment from your com­puter 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Natural Disaster Prepared
In order to com­ply with the high­est in Fed­eral Stan­dards, our servers are located in a secure off-site Cat­e­gory 5 loca­tion with sev­eral mobile vir­tual access points.  This off-site location allows us to be up-and-running shortly after a nat­ural dis­as­ter strik­ing with­out any data loss.

Online Client Information System
Our secure pro­pri­etary sys­tem meets the same pen­e­tra­tion tests as our data servers and allows you the abil­ity to see cur­rent infor­ma­tion for every loan in your port­fo­lio from any com­puter in the world.  View Rate Change Sched­ules, Bor­rower Con­tact Infor­ma­tion, Prop­erty Details, Pay­ment and Dis­burse­ment His­tory, Pay­ment Break­downs, Cus­tomer Ser­vice and Col­lec­tions Activ­ity Notes in all live data.

Free Borrower Online Access to Their Accounts
Your bor­row­ers are pro­vided online access to their loans allow­ing them to see next pay­ment due date, amounts due, pay­ment and dis­burse­ment history as well as being able to make payments.    

Tomorrow’s Technology. Today.

Management Reports